Uberti 1873 SA Rev Rifle Carbine 18" 357Mag
Legend has it that dime novelist, Ned Buntline presented special order Colt revolvers with long barrels and detachable shoulder stocks to Wyatt Earp, Bat Masterson and other noted Old West celebrities. Based on this story, the long-barreled “Peacemakers” with their special target sights came to be called “Buntline Specials.” Only 31 of the distinctive Buntline Specials were ever produced and only 18 of them still exist today. Revolving rifles and carbines were among the first effective repeating rifles. Models produced by Colt were carried in the Mexican War and the Apache Wars of the Old Southwest. Despite the popularity of the new lever-action rifles in the Old West, many manufacturers continued to offer special-order “carbine” versions of their popular single action revolvers.
This Revolver Carbine is available with an 18” barrel in .357 5 caliber - (also availabnle in 45 Colt).